Cell Dispensing / Cell Printing

Analyzing cells is time consuming. BioDot's platforms allow researchers to study cells automatically, quickly, and accurately.
Benefits of a BioDot platform include:
- Speed: Automated sample preparation significantly reduces processing times, streamlining the overall workflow.
- Accuracy: Discrete Droplet Dispensing™ enables the lowest CVs possible to accurately dispense single or multiple cells per well.
- Precision Placement: Vertical camera integration enables exact placement of cells.
- Scalability: Automated sample preparation enables the simultaneous processing of thousands of single cells, allowing for high-throughput analysis.
- Cost Saving: By utilizing non-proprietary labware and inexpensive reagents, BioDot's automated methods minimize consumable expenses and stretch operational budgets.
Potential Applications for BioDot's Cell Dispensing technology include:
- Single Cell Multiomics
- Single Cell Proteomics
- 3D Cell Culture
- Cell Dispensing for Screening
- Spatial Genomics
Omnia™ Dispense Platform
Dispense Discrete Picoliter, Nanoliter, and Microliter drops with unmatched speed and precision by combining our proprietary Rainmaker™ and BioJet™ dispensing technologies on one platform.
- Aspirate/Dispense and/or bulk dispense
- Volume ranges from picoliters to microliters
- Dispense onto any medium
- User-defined dispense routines

Cell Dispensing Platforms