The dropping process has remained a highly manual technique for years, leaving an automation void between harvesters and microscopes. CellWriter™ Workstations close the gap by automating the dropping process, delivering quality spread interphase and metaphase nuclei for analysis.
CellWriter technology:
- Automates slide preparation
- Decreases processing time
- Improves metaphase consistency
- Improves temperature, humidity and dropping control conditions
NEW KT Slide for Cytogenetics
Introducing our newest innovation for Advanced Cytogenetics, BioDot's KT Slide, designed for Automated or Manual Workflows.

Karyotyping Products
Improved Consistency
CellWriter achieves chromosome spreading in a totally unique way. Rather than dispensing large droplets on a slide, BioDot prints an array of droplets at high speeds across the entire slide surface. This gives incredible control and consistency from sample to sample and slide to slide.

ChromoPrint™ Technology
The BioJet from BioDot is a highly refined biological printer that allows labs to “print” samples to slides with unparalleled control and consistency, using individual nanoliter droplets as the smallest feature size. Drop spacing, number of drops in both directions and drop size is adjustable, creating ideal pattern and spreading conditions.
Cell Concentration Normalization
Nuclei spreading is a function of cell concentration, slide temperature and the relative humidity in the air space next to the slide. CellWriter Workstations provide control over temperature and humidity during the cell deposition process and measure the cell concentration of each sample in real-time, adjusting concentration prior to dispensing cells onto the slide surface. This results in highly consistent concentration and spreading.