Biochip Array Technology: A Revolution in Multiplex Testing

Whether it is conducting accurate clinical trials, a research study, DNA screening or just a routine immunoassay process, today biochip array technology is adding extra power to the field of diagnostic testing. Discovered in 2004, this technology enables physicians to perform multiple tests with just a single chip, sample, controls, calibrators and reagent.
Benefits of Biochip Array Technology
Here are the major benefits of the revolutionary biochip array technology:
- The multi-analyte testing feature of biochips ensures accurate and quick results.
- The simple fact that several tests can be performed with the use of a single chip and single sample, this technology reduces the volumes of samples and reagents used.
- The use of the same sample for various tests reduces the biological variation in the results and supplies a snapshot of analysis end results.
- Unlike other multi-analyte methods, biochip array technology ensures zero DTR (discrete test region) bleeding and thus ensures better reproducibility.
- In addition to all these, the tests performed on biochips allow retrospective analysis.
Biochip Array Technology: How Does It Work?
Based on the popular analytical biochemistry assay, ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), biochip array technology is an innovational multi-analyte testing method. A single biochip consists of tiny test regions (generally 25). Each DTR is capable of holding a single test. However, two DTRs are preserved for performing interior quality control tests. This enables a single biochip to perform up to 23 tests.
Applications of Biochip Array Technology
The revolutionary biochips have various applications due to their unique benefits.
- Biochips are extensively used to study the various mutations related to colorectal cancer via the process of DNA screening.
- Biochip array technology is also used in the field of forensic toxicology in testing for drugs. This facilitates employee screening.
- Several inflammatory diseases are diagnosed through biochip testing, since it aids in the investigation of cytokine levels.
Due to the extreme discrete size, researchers are trying to develop biochips that can have up to 100 DTRs. If they are successful, biochip technology will change the dimensions of the diagnostic research world forever. Through this, it will be possible to carry out more tests by using a single sample and reagent. This will not only lead to sample perseverance, but also reduce the cost of diagnosis by a huge margin.